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Monday, February 23, 2015

marriage horoscope


Under Hindu Predictive Systems Compatibility is generally seen especially for marriage. Between Husband and Wife if there is great compatibility it is considered harmonious to lead a peaceful and happy life.
In most Hindu families, every individual has his or her horoscopes, janam patrika or kundali prepared. Since it is a very difficult task to get the accurate knowledge of the person's nature etc. before a marriage (or a long-term relationship), the proven since of Astrology can definitely help the two lives a great deal. A birth chart (also known as janma kundali, janam kundali, Vedic horoscope) captures the precise astronomical positions of stars and planets at the individual's birth moment. 
Astrological compatibility consideration is not only a mere ancestral practice but is a way to get the knowledge regarding the nature, features, love and the social communication features of the people. Horoscope are usually made by pandits or astrologers or numerologists on the basis of the time and the date of a persons birth because, as per the Hindu belief, nothing in this universe happens accidentally or before its scheduled time. 

The planetary Influence

According to the Hindu System of astrology, all predictions are based on the positions of the celestial bodies in the houses of the individual's horoscope. Such positions are governed by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Moon, Uranus and Neptune, a planetary hour begins at the stated time and operates until the next one begins. A moment is considered to be four minutes, i.e., the time taken by the Sun to cross one degree of terrestrial longitude. 

Attributes of Planets and Other Celestial Bodies

Saturn: Powerful, malefic, typifying crystallisation of thought, cold contemplation and Philosophic outlook. 
Jupiter- Beneficent, uplifting, warm, expansive, hopeful and optimistic
Mars: Less malefic, forceful, Zealous, energetic, intense and heated up. 
Sun: The giver of life, energy, vitality and authority.
Venus: Less beneficent than Jupiter harmonious, pure spiritual and blissful
Mercury: The winged messenger of god, neutral preceptor of mind, intellect, perception and expression. 
Moon: Variability, emotionalism, reproduction and sensation.
Uranus: Abrupt transformations' extraordinary, revolutionary and out of the ordinary.
Neptune: Mysticism, hallucinations, fears, spiritual ecstasy. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

planets and their effect on body health/ Diseases

Sun effects ours body a lot and if someone has weak sun in their natal charts or afflicted sun or when sun is moving in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses from moon sign, one suffers from physical ailments.
Moon effects our mind and a weak or afflicted moon can cause all sorts of mental problems and also physical diseases. 

High temperature, eyesight, sunstroke, dehydration, headaches, heart diseases, Excess hunger

Moon- Chandra

Cold, Phlegm, Asthma, Distress, Insomnia, Weak Left eye, Breasts and womb effected.


Wounds, Scars, excess heat, defective genitals, excessive hormones, muscular pains and all blood related diseases.

Mercury- Budh

Weak nerves, Insomnia, Doubt, Fat, Loss of memory, Neck, mouth, ears and Backbone problems, Impotency etc.

Jupiter- guru

Excess Fat, Diabetes, Phlegm, Liver problems, Blood pressure, urinary defects, Cancer, Gas trouble.


 Sexual diseases, Poisoning, Excess alchoholism, Skin problems, tonsels, diabetes, weak kidneys, eye sight etc.

Saturn- Shani

Anemia, Cold, Cough, Constipation, Weak Joints, Excess Tobacco need, Breathing problems, Loss of weight etc.

Moon, when afflicted by saturn can cause depression, harsh speech, bad choice of love partner, broken relations etc.
When afflicted by Mars can cause fertility and menstrual problems in women, violent nature, uncontrolled aggression, stupidity etc.
When afflicted by Sun (born close to newmoon day) can cause weak mind, indecisiveness, lack of self respect etc
When afflicted by Shadow planet like Rahu or Ketu can cause suicide tendencies, detachment from worldy affairs

Saturday, February 14, 2015

love astrology

This article has specially written by Dr. Prem Kumar sharma

Normally your Aries lover likes to party hard on any occasion. Your typical Aries would like to be pampered for the Valentine's Day; so stars advise you to make use of this opportunity to the fullest. A candle lit dinner at the pool side or a quiet restaurant and bottle of champagne would do nicely to escape all the mayhem of the prior weeks. Get a bunch of twenty four red roses and a champagne; bend down on your knees and propose to your Arian- after all this is what they have been longing for all the yearlong!

Be sweet to your Taurian lover this day as this is the sensual sign of the zodiac. Anything you buy for your love should have a fine feel to it. Clothing that is soft and sumptuous will please a Taurian any time. Also, keep in mind the comfort level while buying for your lover as they can't afford to compromise with this side. A chocolate cake with "I love you" written on the icing will certainly be pleasing.

After drinks and sharing gifts together, your Gemini Lover might be interested in doing the town up with other like minded couples. While others might like to be alone on Valentine's Day, Gemini might like the expensive valentine's gift you plan to give him/her to show off. A get together with close friends will be an ideal gift for your Gemini lover this day.

Those born under the sign of the crab are not only shy and retiring; they're off the Richter with sentimentality! YouIf you could wave a magic wand and remove their blockages, and plenty Libra's have them now, that would be the ideal gift for Valentine's Day. The second best gift for Valentine's Day would be to tell them you are going to grant them one wish, because it's possible that shortly after you say that, their troubles will begin to fade. Romantic Love Shower Mugs available in various designs and styles predicting different love quotes can be a good option for this day. Buy them in a set of 2 for both the partners. can please your Cancer lover best by treating him/her royally this day. It would be heaven for this Sun Sign if you gift them a really tasteful and elegant gift! Their sweet tooth is going wild now days! Astonish your beloved with an 'I Love You' engraved on a chocolate box containing exotic and stunning assorted wine chocolates. This will enable you to declare your feelings in the language of love.

This sign probably likes to play dress up and are usually over dressed for any occasion. Even at home you might find your Leo all decked out! They tend to like high quality accessories and jewelry (particularly gold). A spa getaway would be a great hit with a Leo- someplace where he or she could be pampered and treated like the star which every Leo really is deep inside. Leos tend to be proud of their manes so hair accessories are a good gift idea.

A simple and quiet place where they can just pour out their heart and soul about how everyone's picking on them and how misunderstood they are will put you in the winner's circle. Anything that can help create an ambience of serenity will always be a good gift for a Virgo. Love pillowcase sets can prove to be a perfect gift to tell your sweetheart that the two of you are linked not only through heart but also in your dreams.

If you could wave a magic wand and remove their blockages, and plenty Libra's have them now, that would be the ideal gift for Valentine's Day. The second best gift for Valentine's Day would be to tell them you are going to grant them one wish, because it's possible that shortly after you say that, their troubles will begin to fade. Romantic Love Shower Mugs available in various designs and styles predicting different love quotes can be a good option for this day. Buy them in a set of 2 for both the partners.

Scorpios love mystery. Dark glasses are a great gift for this zodiac sign. Spy gadgets are also quite fascinating to Scorpios. A book about lost treasures, unsolved mysteries, or unsolved crimes would make an intriguing gift. Lakeside, poolside, oceanfront will surely calm the easily ruffled feathers of your Scorpio. Perfume and cologne make excellent romantic gifts if chosen wisely. Gift your Scorpion, a new fragrance never used by him/ her before.

Sagittarius is the sign of the wanderer and being pinned to one place is real torture. Travel books and DVD's that tour the world are also good replacements for the real thing. They are generous and also appreciate generosity in others; therefore a donation to a charity or religious institution in their name would be welcome too. All they appreciate is the thought of being really special this day; so make sure you make them feel the same!

The shy and quiet goat will just appreciate your 100% attention, as for an overlooked Capricorn that's rare. This Valentine's Day your Capricorn lover is expecting real loyalty and friendship. Unique but, heartfelt gifts that mean something to the relationship will go over big. Whatever you do, make the evening simple and talk about them and nothing and nobody else. Surprise your love by taking him/her out to the place where you had your first meeting or date

Make your Aquarian forget they are normal human beings. They want to feel like stars and there is no harm in making them feel the same on this day. Put your Aquarian on a pedestal, get over your knees, pull the shining gem out of your pocket and propose to them with the words you have been rehearsing since long. Make sure that whatever you say comes direct from heart, as there is a strong possibility for you to emerge as a winner!

This is a dreamy sign that loves fantasy. A fancy get away to a spa, a pampering massage or a refreshing trip to a beach side resort will be a thrilling gift for this sign. This sun sign sometimes feels victimized by life. Encouraging posters, Motivational tapes, books, sayings, pictures, and cards always deeply touches and helps them. You can also gift your love a candlelight dinner where both of you can share some moments to speak your heart out. It can be further complimented with a long-drive.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Each house area is influenced by a number of factors. Firstly, there are twelve houses, and each relates to certain areas or themes in life. The tenth house is about work, profession, public life and forms part of the parent axis. 
To determine what your experiences will be in a certain house/ life area the first (and arguably most important) energy to consider is the sign ruling the house. House boundaries are known as 'cusps'. The sign on your 10th house cusp (also known as the MC or Midheaven) will give you the most important information about this house area. Next look to the planet that rules this sign (on the house cusp). It will usually fall in some other sign and house in your horoscope. These energies describe sub themes supporting or distracting from your primary career theme (as described by the sign on the 10th house). Finally, if there are any planets in your 10th house, these act as highlight points, describing a key mythology or energetic essence that you will need to master through your professional life (if it's the 10th house in question!) 
Most horoscopes have at least one, and usually more, empty houses. A simple explanation is to consider the houses in your horoscope that do have planets in them as areas that will require more of a particular type of energy throughout this lifetime. It doesn't mean things are better or worse for you in this area of life. Some areas of life are easier or harder than others; this has to do with a combination of both the nature of signs/ planets influencing them as well as the strength of these energies at your birth. Hopefully that's enough to get you started!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

charactersitics of your future spouse

7th House and Life partner

There is a deep connection of the 7th house and life partner in your birth horoscope. The ascendent rising in the east represents your mental and physical traits while the 7th house falling in the opposite of ascendent represents the mental and physical traits of your life partner, the 7th house is exactly placed opposite to the first house and hence reveals about the person of opposite sex, your life partner.
The 7th house from your ascendent sign and moon together will give a clear picture about the physical and the mental characteristics of your life partner. Astrology is really interesting as you start learning the basics. You will notice that the 1st and the 7th lords are never friends of each other in a horoscope, whichever signs you take you will see that the 7th lord is either a neutral planet to the 1st lord or the enemy of the 1st lord. Such is the creation of god which is interesting as well as amazing and astrology reveals it so nicely.
Each ascendent and moon sign has a 7th house to it and the planet owning that house will signify the general characteristics of your life partner which gets modified later by the influence of planets placed in the 7th house, the placement of the 7th lord and the influence of planets on the 7th house and lord of navamsha horoscope.
We will see the general characteristics and significations of the 7th house and life partner for each ascendent or (lagan)
  • 7th house and Life partner for Aries Ascendent.
Venus lords the 7th from Aries and hence Aries Nativities are often blessed with a beautiful and romantic person as their partner, Mars and Venus are neutral to each other though they attract each other as opposites attract, hence the relationships between mars and venus people are based on strong physical attraction and lust more than love. It is the Combination of “Beauty and the Beast”. The partner will be beautiful, romantic, intellectual, well-balanced, lover of justice and arts, having a strong social presence, your partners can also be good businessmen/women. This traits are more pronounced if both moon and lagna fall under martian signs and venus mars have good PAC among them.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Tauras Ascendent
Mars lords the 7th house and a sign like scorpio falls in the 7th which means your partner will be very introvert in nature, possessive, full of jealousy and revenge when provoked, somebody with interest in occult, he will have a magnetic personality and attraction even if he isn’t handsome. He will have small and sharp eyes which may be very deep and hypnotic. The relation is mostly based on physical attraction and lust since scorpio rules the natural 8th house, so the partner may have high sexual appetite. He will definitely have something magnetic and mysterious about his personality and remember one thing you have a time-bomb in your life which can explode if provoked destroying everyone with self.

7th house and Life partner for Gemini Ascendent.
Mars lords the 7th house and a sign like scorpio falls in the 7th which means your partner will be very introvert in nature, possessive, full of jealousy and revenge when provoked, somebody with interest in occult, he will have a magnetic personality and attraction even if he isn’t handsome. He will have small and sharp eyes which may be very deep and hypnotic. The relation is mostly based on physical attraction and lust since scorpio rules the natural 8th house, so the partner may have high sexual appetite. He will definitely have something magnetic and mysterious about his personality and remember one thing you have a time-bomb in your life which can explode if provoked destroying everyone with self.
Jupiter lords the 7th house from your ascendent, Sagittarius is a sign having symbol of half man and half horse with the man holding Bow and arrow in action which shows that it is a sign of Kshatriya personality as well as a scholar at the same time being ruled by Jupiter. Your partner will have broad shoulders and a very charming face full of radiance, he will have looks of a very knowledgeable and intellectual person, he will be one with a good sense of humor and a person having respect for religion and dharma. Sagittarius males have the best personality and attract females very easily though they are very very unpredictable at the same time which may make it difficult to understand them completely in one lifetime, this will be more pronounced in Mool Nakshatra.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Cancer Ascendent.
7th house is ruled by Saturn for you along with the 8th house as well making you somewhat unlucky w.r.t to partners, another reason being moon and saturn being enemies to each other. You partner will be someone with a cold attitude, sarcastic and pessimistic nature and kind of detached from you, he will be hardworking, career oriented, introvert and matured than age, there is often a possibility of having considerable age difference between partners, the 8th ownership of saturn brings possibilities of separation and dissatisfaction in marriage. A well placed saturn will give a good partner and somewhat balanced married life whereas badly placed saturn spoils the marital bliss.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Leo Ascendent.
Unlike Cancerians this sign too is a bit of unlucky with respect to marriage and married life as saturn becomes both the 6th and the 7th lord for Leo, but the 7th house Aquarius being the mool trikon of saturn gives positive sides of saturn in your partner, your partner will be a very intellectual person, highly educated and wise, a philosophist or philanthropist, matured, having good height and personality. The problem with cancer and leo ascendents is that the 7th lord is their enemy and also indicates udaseenta in relationships due to mismatch of mental qualities and nature.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Virgo Ascendent.
7th house is Pieces which shows your partners to be very innocent yet wise, you will have somebody who has good chubby looks, god fearing person, someone with a pure heart and clear conscience, mercury debilitates in pieces hence partner will not be as sharp as you, someone with a bad business acumen and may lack good sense of humor but you get someone who will love you purely by heart and soul, the problems and the differences will crop up due to your calculative and criticizing nature, you see profit and loss in everything, whereas your partner just sees humanity and love.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Libra Ascendent.
Mars is the lord of your 7th house with its Mool-trikon Aries placed therein, your partner will be a very strong headed person with a go-getter attitude, a motivator, leader, full of energy and enthusiasm, aries represents all the positive qualities of Mars. He will have very sharp features with a broad forehead and shoulders, there could be a sign or mark of injury on the face or forehead.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Scorpio Ascendent.
Venus is the ruler of 7th house and represents somebody who loves a lot of romance, cuddling, pampering. Somebody with a strong determination, patience and adamant nature at times, they are adamant on wrong things at times and do not listen to anybody even if they find themselves wrong, tauras is a negative sign of venus and can give more of negative traits in your partner, they love beauty, they love being pampered, they love to look beautiful and always try to look the best, they cannot tolerate getting old and always like to look young.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Sagittarius Ascendent.
Your 7th house is lorded by Mercury hence you partner will tend to be somebody who is very jolly having good sense of humor, someone who loves to have fun, enjoy life, positive, optimistic about life, he can be a chatter box and will love to communicate and share things with you. Your partner can be called playful and childish to some extent but he loves to enjoy all colors of life, lightens up the atmosphere wherever he goes, he will have good looks with a smiling face and mischievous look and wheatish brown complexion.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Capricorn Ascendent.
Your 7th house is ruled by moon and hence you tend to have a very emotional and home loving partner due to influence of moon, your partner will be quite imaginative and a dreamer which is opposite to your nature of hardwork, practical attitude etc. Your partner will be emotional weak or strong depending on the waxing or waning phase of the moon in the horoscope, moon is the only planet which has waxing and waning phases and hence the good or bad things indicated by its house will be greatly influenced by the strength of moon in the horoscope. Your partner will be a very good cook and a motherly figure who will try to keep you happy through serving you well, physically he may tend to have a round face, bulging body, weight increases with age, they tend to gain weight easily being a water sign and moon as the owner of 7th.
  • 7th house and Life partner for Aquarius Ascendent.
7th Ruled by sun will give you a very disciplined partner, one who loves to dominate, make rules and regulations, keep everything under his control, he will have very good leadership qualities and art of expression, He may have a big forehead with receding hairline and well built body, these people are mostly fair and handsome with stern looks. your partner can only be won with flattery and praises, they love to be flattered and praised for everything they do.
  • 7th house and Life Partner for Pieces Ascendent.
Mercury rules the 7th here also unline Sagittarius but with a difference, Virgo is a earth element and mool trikon of mercury making your partner very practical and calculative, critical analyzer, and always worrying or cribbing about something or the other. They tend to miss the romantic side of life due to over criticizing and calculative attitude. Looks wise he will have a beautiful skin and face with a charming face, he may tend to have a big belly and bald look as age advances. Most of the business people with afflicted mercury have a bald look. Your partner will be a very good businessman and financial planner.

The above characteristics for each lagna will go into modification depending on the influence of other planets on the 7th house from moon and lagna along with the navamsha horoscopes but few of the general traits will be commonly seen in nature and outlook of these people. The influence of planets greatly modify the final outcome making things good or worse depending on the placement of the 7th house, lord, navamsha 7th house, lord and connection of various planets. There cannot be full analysis of the horoscope and life partner without the study of navamsha horoscope. These need to be seen properly to ascertain the quality of married life and the qualities of partner in every horoscope as each horoscope is different and will have different destinies even though some of the basic qualities of signs and planets will remain as they are.
 for ex. in above kundli As means ascendent. Here it is of 4th ascendent which means cancer ascendent. As cancer is 4th sign of zodiac symbols.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

raashi fal

February 2015 RashiFal

मेष (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: इस महीने आपको गैस, बदहजमी आदि का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। बाहर का तला-भुना ना खाएं। परिवार और मित्र: परिवार में सब सामान्य रहेगा। किसी पुराने दोस्त से मुलाकात हो सकती है। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने अनावश्यक खर्चे हो सकते हैं। फिजूलखर्ची से बचें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने अपनी वाणी पर संयम रखें, खासकर साथी से बातचीत करते समय। करियर और शिक्षा: यह महीना छात्रों के लिए नॉर्मल रहेगा। बेरोजगारों को अभी और भागदौड़ करनी पड़ सकती है।
 वृषभ (Apr 21 - May 21)
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: यह महीना स्वास्थ्य के लिहाज से सामान्य रहेगा। क्रोध ना करें और मन को शांत रखें। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने अपने दांपत्य जीवन को सुधारने की कोशिश करें। परिवार के लिए समय ना निकाल पाने की वजह से आप खुद भी परेशान रह सकते हैं। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने शेयर मार्केट में निवेश करना शुभ साबित हो सकता है। लेकिन इस समय किसी को भी पैसा उधार ना दें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने किसी खास शख्स से आपकी मुलाकात हो सकती है जिसके साथ आपका रिश्ता काफी लंबे समय तक रहेगा। करियर और शिक्षा: यह महीना छात्रों के लिए विशेष कामयाबी भरा साबित हो सकता है। कम मेहनत का भी अधिक फल मिलेगा।

मिथुन (May 22 - Jun 21)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: अधिक कार्य करने की वजह से इस माह आपका स्वास्थ्य ख़राब हो सकता है। समय पर आराम करें और खानपान का ख्याल रखें। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने संतान पक्ष से कोई शुभ समाचार मिलने के आसार हैं। दोस्तों और परिजनों का पूर्ण सहयोग मिलेगा। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने सितारे आपके साथ हैं। कारोबार में बढ़ोत्तरी होने और आय के नए स्त्रोत मिलने की संभावना है। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: अगर आप किसी से प्यार का इज़हार करना चाहते हैं तो इस महीने कर दें, सफल होने की संभावना अधिक है। करियर और शिक्षा: यह महीना छात्रों के लिए अनुकूल रहेगा। विद्यार्थियों को कम मेहनत में भी अच्छे परिणाम मिलने की संभावना है।

कर्क  (Jun 22 - Jul 22)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: आपकी लापरवाही इस महीने आपको भारी पड़ सकती है। समय पर दवाई लेना ना भूले अन्यथा अधिक बीमार हो सकते हैं। परिवार और मित्र: पारिवारिक माहौल सामान्य रहेगा। मन शांत रहेगा। मित्रजनों से मनमुटाव होने की आशंका है। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: कार्यक्षेत्र में बाधाएं आ सकती हैं। स्टॉक मार्केट से जुड़े लोग निवेश करते समय धैर्य से निर्णय लें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने अपने रिश्ते को मजबूत करने पर ध्यान दें। अपने पार्टनर की भावनाओं की कद्र करें अन्यथा दूरियां बढ़ सकती हैं। करियर और शिक्षा: यह माह छात्रों के लिए चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकता है। एकाग्रता ना बना पाने के कारण मानसिक तनाव हो सकता है।

सिंह (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: मौसम परिवर्तन संबंधी परेशानियों से रूबरू होना पड़ सकता है। सुबह व्यायाम करें। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने जीवनसाथी और बच्‍चों के साथ कहीं बाहर घूमने की योजना सफल रहेगी। उनका व्‍यवहार आपको सुकून देने वाला रहेगा। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: प्रॉपर्टी या शेयर को बेचने सम्बन्धी मामलों में सतर्कता बरतें। जल्दबाजी में कोई बड़ा निर्णय न लें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: यह महीना रिश्तों के लिहाज से चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकता है। रिश्तों के भंवर में फंसने से बचें। करियर और शिक्षा: यह महीना छात्रों के कठिन साबित हो सकता है। कठिनाइयों को दूर करने के लिए किसी सीनियर की मदद लें।

कन्या (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: महिलाओं के लिए यह महीना कष्टकारी हो सकता है। पुराने दर्द उभर सकते हैं। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने परिवार में सभी खुश रहेंगे। कहीं घूमने या पिकनिक का प्लान बना सकते हैं। अनावश्यक विवादों से बचें। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: महीने के शुरुआत में आपके खर्चे बढ़ सकते हैं। आय कम और व्यय अधिक होगा लेकिन महीने के अंत में कहीं से रुका हुआ धन प्राप्त हो सकता है। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने आप अपने कार्य में व्यस्त होने के कारण अपने पार्टनर को समय नहीं दे पाएंगे। हालांकि आप चाहे तो उनकी नाराजगी दूर करने के लिए मोबाइल और इंटरनेट का सहारा ले सकते हैं। करियर और शिक्षा: बेरोजगार या नौकरी बदलना चाहते हैं, तो समय अनुकूल है। अच्छी जॉब के ऑफर आ सकते हैं।

तुला (Sep 23 - Oct 23)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: सेहत के लिए समय अनुकूल नहीं है। सावधानी बरतने से समस्‍या कम हो सकती है। पेट की बीमारियां हो सकती हैं। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने आपके मित्र आपकी आर्थिक समस्या का हल निकाल सकते हैं। कर्ज लेने से बचें। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने आर्थिक मामलों में दूसरों की सलाह से आपको नुकसान हो सकता है। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने आपकी लव लाइफ बेहद मजेदार रहेगी। अकेलापन खत्म हो सकता है और रिश्तों में मजबूती आएगी। करियर और शिक्षा: लंबे समय से आप परीक्षा या टेस्ट के नतीजों का इंतजार कर रहे थे वह इस महीने आ सकते हैं। किसी जॉब इंटरव्यू का नतीजा भी आ सकता है।

वृश्चिक (Oct 24 - Nov 22)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: इस महीने आपकी सेहत अच्छी रहेगी। मानसिक शांति मिलेगी। परिवार और मित्र: घर में सकारात्मक माहौल रहेगा। लेकिन विरोधियों से सावधान रहें। कोई आपको आघात पहुंचा सकता है। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: शेयर बाज़ार में बहुत मुनाफा नहीं होने वाला है। प्रॉपर्टी से आपको लाभ हो सकता है। व्यापार से जुड़े लोगों के लिए भी महीना सामान्य रहने की संभावना है। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: इस महीने प्रेम प्रसंगों को लेकर सावधान रहें, अन्यथा अनावश्यक तनाव बढ़ सकता है। करियर और शिक्षा: यह माह छात्रों के लिए सामान्य रहेगा। महीने की शुरुआत में एकाग्रता बनाने में दिक्कत आएगी लेकिन महीने के अंतिम दिनों में सब ठीक हो जाएगा।

धनु (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: सेहत का ध्‍यान रखें और लंबी यात्रा पर जाने से बचें। मानसिक तनाव से बचने के लिए योग और ध्यान का रास्ता अपनाएं। परिवार और मित्र: इस महीने किसी बुजुर्ग की बातों से आपका मन दुखी हो सकता है। बड़ों की बात को दिल पर लेने की जगह उनकी बातों में छुपी शिक्षा को ग्रहण करने की कोशिश करें। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: आय के नए स्त्रोत बनेंगे। वाहन खरीदने की योजना बना सकते हैं। पैसों के लेन-देन में सतर्कता बरतें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: महीने की शुरुआत में प्रेम संबंधों में उदासीनता बनेगी लेकिन मास के उत्तरार्द्ध तक संबंधों में सकारात्मक प्रभाव दिखाई देगा। करियर और शिक्षा: इस महीने आप अपनी शिक्षा या करियर से जुड़ा कोई अहम फैसला ले सकते हैं। यह फैसला आपका आने वाला कल तय करेगा इसलिए यह फैसला सोच-समझकर लें।

मकर (Dec 22 - Jan 20)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: इस माह स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरुक रहें, किसी पुरानी बीमारी की वजह से आपको परेशान होना पड़ सकता है। परिवार और मित्र: पारिवारिक माहौल सामान्य रहेगा। परिवार के लोग आपसे खुश रहेंगे और घर में शांति बनी रहेगी। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: पूंजी निवेश करने के लिए यह महीना शुभ है। शेयर खरीदने या नई प्रॉपर्टी लेने के बारे में सोच सकते हैं। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: अपने साथी के साथ समय बिताने से रिश्‍ता और मधुर हो सकता है, लेकिन यदि आप समय नहीं देते तो बात बिगड़ भी सकती है। करियर और शिक्षा: समय अनुकूल है, थोड़ी सी मेहनत से ही पूरा फल मिलने की उम्‍मीद है। आत्मविश्वास बढ़ेगा।

कुंभ (Jan 21 - Feb 18)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: बच्चों का स्वास्थ्य खराब हो सकता है। बुखार या मामूली चोटों का भी उपचार समय पर करें। परिवार और मित्र: जीवनसाथी के साथ सुख और सहयोग में वृद्धि होगी। दोस्तों से मनमुटाव हो सकता है। वाणी पर संयम रखें। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने जायदाद संबंधी लिए गए फैसले अहितकारी साबित हो सकते हैं। ऐसे फैसलों को कुछ समय के लिए टाल दें। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: गलतफहमी का कोई इलाज नहीं होता। इस महीने रिश्तों में गलतफहमी पालने से बचें। करियर और शिक्षा: इस महीने आपको अधिक मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी लेकिन इस मेहनत का आपको फल भी मिलेगा। लक्ष्य की दिशा में एकाग्र होकर प्रयास करें।

मीन (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य: इस महीने स्वास्थ्य संबंधी छोटी-मोटी परेशानियां हो सकती हैं। अनिंद्रा और तनाव के कारण स्वास्थ्य में गिरावट आ सकती है। परिवार और मित्र: दांपत्य जीवन के प्रति उदासीनता बढ़ सकती है। मुश्किल घड़ी में दोस्त और दुश्मन में पहचान करने में गलती ना करें। सकारात्मक व्यवहार बनाए रखें, कठिन घड़ी बीत जाएगी। बिज़नेस/स्‍टॉक/प्रॉपर्टी: इस महीने कोर्ट-कचहरी के चक्कर लग सकते हैं। प्रॉपर्टी बेचने या खरीदने के लिए भागदौड़ करनी पड़ सकती है। रिश्‍ते और प्‍यार: यह महीना प्रेम-प्रसंगो के लिए अनुकूल नहीं है। प्रेम-संबंधों में दूरियां बढ़ सकती हैं। यह वक्‍़त सोच-समझकर और शांत होकर चलने का है। करियर और शिक्षा: इस महीने इंजीनियरिंग से जुड़े छात्रों को विशेष लाभ होने की संभावना है। करियर को एक नई दिशा देने के लिए यह समय अच्छा है।


Astrology Aries March 21 - April 19
Aries personalities are independent. Being the first of the zodiac signs, they venture out and are go-getters, often leading the way. Their upbeat and magnetic personality often entices others to follow their lead because Aries personalities bring excitement into others lives.Aries are good friends, they always look out for their friends with caring and generosity and will protect them should the need arise and encourage them with their natural optimism. If confronted, Aries can turn to be quite childish, they will fight back with their aggressive nature and are known to have temper tantrums should they not get their way.Aries tend to live adventurous lives and like to be the center of attention, but rightly so since they are natural, confident leaders.

Taurus Astrology April 20 - May 20
Taurus is not the one who ventures out into the unknown and leads the way, Taurus is the one that will follow the leader and strengthen and build upon the discovered, in other words they are the one that will "dot the I's and cross the T's". This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak. Taurus stubborn streak is what gives their independence. They like to do things their way. They are perfectly fine on being alone, this way things get done they way they want them to be done. Taurus is not a follower, but they are not the brave one either. Taurus is perfectly independent. With their perseverance, they get things done and can do quite well for themselves.
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